
If It Meant Living-57: Dances with Death

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If It Meant Living - Chapter 57
"Dances of Death"

Title: If It Meant Living – Chapter 57:  "Dances of Death"
Author: Graceyn
Game: Mass Effect/Mass Effect 2/Mass Effect 3
Characters/pairing: femShep/Kaidan
Disclaimer: Bioware owns all rights to Mass Effect and its characters
Content Warning: Violence, Language

The doctor nodded perfunctorily to Kaidan.  "Well, Major, I think that does it.  I'm green-lighting you for active duty – but if you have any problems or experience unusual symptoms, contact me immediately."

Kaidan smiled and offered his hand.  "Thanks for patching me up, Doctor."

He was heading out of the hospital, hopefully for the last time, when he spotted Thane standing by the window.  Presumably seeing the reflection in the glass, Thane turned around as he approached.

"Kaidan – you haven't had any complications, I hope?"

"No, just a final check-up before they let me out into the wilds for real."

Thane smiled.  "Ah, good then."

Kaidan clasped his hands behind his back and started pacing slowly.  "Actually, I'm glad I ran into you.  I wanted to thank youfor knocking my head around when it needed it."  His eyes cut over to the Drell, a corner of his mouth curling up in the hint of a smirk.  "That was your intention all along, I assume?"

Thane chuckled lightly.  "As I said when we met, I wish to repay Shepard in whatever ways I am able.  But do not doubt that I spoke the truth."

The smirk turned to a smile.  "I believe you.  And"  He paused briefly.  "I'm glad you were there with her, against the Collectors.  I'm glad she wasn't alone."

Thane's head dipped slightly.  "It was my privilege to do so.  I find that I want to say something to you as well, though I do not mean to embarrass you in any way.  I am very glad we were able to have this brief time together – for now, whenever I do leave this world, it will be at peace with the knowledge that she loves someone worthy of it."

Kaidan felt a flush rising in his cheeks and shifted his gaze to the window.  "Ithank you. You honor me with your words."

Thane's reflection in the window stared at his own.  "Does this mean you will be joining her now?"

"I – "  The sound of gunfire rang through the lounge from the direction of the entrance.  
They both flattened against the wall, combat instincts taking over instantly.  Kaidan was closer to the hallway; he carefully peeked around the corner, spotting four commandos in distinctive white and gold heavy armor.  He quickly pulled back.

"Cerberus.  Dammit.  No way they aren't going to try for the Council – I need to find the Councilors and get them to safety."

Thane nodded tightly.  "I know a back way out of here."

Kaidan raised an eyebrow.  "You do?"

"Old habits never die.  Follow me."

They moved quickly through the hospital, quietly urging people into the relative safety of locked rooms as they found them.  Near the back of the building they went through an entrance marked "restricted"; it led into a dark hallway, turned left into another one, then finally terminated at a plain door.

Thane pulled up short at the end of the hallway.  "This opens into a storage warehouse in Zakera Ward.  I'm going to head to C-Sec Headquarters; Commander Bailey will be needing assistance."

Kaidan nodded.  "Good idea.  I need to get to the Presidiumshould be quite a trek."

Thane turned to him.  "Godspeed, my friend."

Kaidan clasped his shoulder briefly.  "And to you."

They went through the door together then parted ways.


"Alliance Control, this is SSV Normandy, are we clear to descend?"  Silence hung in the air as Joker looked over his shoulder at Shepard, shrugging in confusion.  "I've been trying for five minutes, Commander.  I get nothing.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada."

Shepard frowned, peering out the viewports.  It couldn't be the Reapers; there were none in sightunless  "Is there any sign of Reaper jamming?  They blocked Alliance communications as they entered Sol System."

EDI shook her head.  "Negative, Shepard.  However, there is – "

Joker interrupted her.  "Comm coming through on an emergency channel, patching it in."

static  "Normandy, do you read me?"

Her eyes narrowed incredulously.  "Thane?"

"Yes.  Cerberus attack – " static  " – took over C-Sec, moving – "

Shepard gritted her teeth, focusing on the comm.  "Thane, where are you now?"

"C-Sectrying to"  The connection broke up into static then went silent.

"Fuck!"  She spun around, fist clenching reflexively.  "Motherfucking Cerberus I swear to fucking god when I find that man I am going to rip his fucking throat out!"  She sucked in a breath and willed herself calm.  To the mission.  

Joker raised an eyebrow at her over the back of his chair.  "Tell us how you really feel, Commander"

She breathed out and rolled her eyes.  "I think it's safe to assume that official docking protocols are offline.  Bring us in directly; we'll take the shuttle into the C-Sec landing pad.  Steve's going to get to have some fun today."

Joker raised an eyebrow briefly then nodded.  "Aye, aye, ma'am.  We'll, um, be herehanging out in space"

She stopped and turned halfway back to him.  "You see an opportunity to dock – even if it's not quite authorized, do it."  

She jogged towards the elevator, hitting the Combat Team comm channel on the way.  "Everyone meet me in the shuttle bay, now."  

Minutes later she looked out at them as Cortez hurriedly prepped the shuttle.  "Garrus, James, you're with me.  Liara and EDI, be ready to go.  If Joker is able to dock, move out and start trying to secure as much of the docking area as you can.  Assume active hostiles until I comm you otherwise."  She glanced over her shoulder.  "Lieutenant, we ready?"

Cortez straightened up from the shuttle door.  "Yes, ma'am.  Can't say as I've ever flown a shuttle inside a space station before, but there's a first time for everything."

She smiled then turned back to her team.  "Cerberus is not going to take the Citadel.  Let's get to it."


Thane shut off his comm in frustration.  He could only hope enough information had gotten through to her.  The coincidence of the Normandy arriving here, nowhe had tried the frequency out of desperation, and the fact that it was one of the few direct comm links he had stored in his Omni-tool.  Amonkira, thank you for your blessings, he whispered to himself.  

He waited for the voices around the corner to echo away from him then quickly glanced out.  Only three, all facing away – he darted silently across the hallway and back into the shadows.

He paused to study the new surroundings.  He was familiar with the layout of C-Sec Headquarters, but it was quite an extensive structure.  There had never been a way to memorize all the labyrinthine passageways, not even when he had been an active black-market assassin on the Citadel nearly a decade ago.  

He closed his eyes and pulled up the maps in his head, searching for anything familiar…there.  He reopened his eyes and looked up at the sign pointing to the Training Area.  He quietly moved forward, down the left hallway, through the first turn-off, winding his way slowly but surely towards Bailey's office.


Cortez smoothly set the shuttle down on the landing pad, the shields absorbing increasing small-arms fire and a few grenades.

She patted the back of the pilot's chair.  "Nice job, Lieutenant.  Get back to the Normandy; you may be needed again before this day is over with."  The door lifted up to reveal a full-on assault by Cerberus on the C-Sec docking operations.

She grinned to Garrus and James.  "Looks like they could use some help, boys. How about we give it to them?"  She jumped out of the shuttle at a run, throwing a cluster grenade through the air as she slid into the dividing wall.

She peeked over the wall.  "Okay.  They've got flashy toys but there's not too many actual troops.  James – left; Garrus – right; I've got the middle."  As she slid around the corner and started to run low, she heard James grumble – "You always get the middle"  She grinned, turning towards him but keeping her voice low.  "That's because the middle is the most fun…"

Shield barriers and turrets exploded in her peripheral vision as she darted from cover to cover.  Garrus and Vega both knew when to be subtleand when not to be.  She got within range of the entrance without being noticed, quickly stood and threw a singularity, shifting it slightly to the right mid-motion as she spotted Bailey lying on the floor near the door.  She pulled up her rifle and took out the two commandos outside the shifted singularity then hurried up the ramp.

She squatted down next to him, immediately pulling out the Medi-gel and applying it to the hole in his stomach.  "What the hell happened here?"

Bailey exhaled raggedly.  "Damn but you're a sight for sore eyes, Shepard.  I was out at some damn fool meeting when Cerberus hit Headquarters; I've been trying to fight my way in, but I was outmanned and outgunned."

She smiled kindly.  "Glad I happened to drop in then."  Garrus then James circled up to them, each signaling the all-clear.

Bailey struggled to his feet as the Medi-gel took effect.  "We need to retake the Headquarters communications station, at least.  My men are stationed all over the Citadel but without a clear communications channel, they're all flying blind."

She nodded quickly.  "Get us in there then."


Kaidan moved quickly through the crowded markets of Zakera Ward.  There was no attack here yet; the denizens went about their business in blissful ignorance.  He wanted to warn them, tell them to get to safety, but there were far too many – he would either make no impact or cause a panicked stampede.  

So instead he wove his way through the throng of people, up the stairs and around the corner.  Fucking Cerberus.  He couldn't believe the Illusive Man was arrogant enough to actually attack the Citadel directly.  Cerberus had certainly grown in strength and size over the last few months thanks to a healthy dose of Reaper tech, but even so  This attack represented a significant raising of the stakes.

But only if they succeeded.  He quickened his pace.

At last he reached the hallway that led to the Presidium elevator.  He smiled to himself as he hurried down the halljust to his left was the darkened service corridor where, more than three years ago, they had rescued Tali from an ambush by Saren's men, setting off a whirlwind adventure that had changed his life forever.  Shepard had – he shook his head roughly.  Focus, Alenko.  No time for reminiscing – you have a job to do.


Bailey painfully sank into the chair and started working at the terminal while they swept the room.  "OkayI've got something…there.  Cerberus still has control of the main channels, but I set up a new one."

Shepard frowned.  "Can't Cerberus just block it too?"

He shook his head.  "Not if they don't know about it.  It's private, I need to invite people to itsending it out to my officers now."

"Send it to Thane."

He looked up.  "Your Drell friend?"

She nodded.  "He contacted me when I arrived, that's how I knew about the attack.  He said he was headed here."

"Alright"  He typed for a second then nodded to her.  

She hit her comm.  "Thane, do you read me?"

"Shepardgood you made it.  I'm working my way – "


She looked over at Bailey.  "What is it?"

"I can't seem to contact the Executor, his comm's down.  Let me check his schedulehe was supposed to be meeting with Councilor Valern right now."

What were the odds that they were meeting about Udina on the same day Cerberus attacked?  She exhaled harshly.  "Shit.  I don't think that's good.  Thane, we're going to head for the Executor's Office, I think he and Councilor Valern may be in danger.  Meet us there if you can."

She suddenly realized he was breathing rather heavily; this kind of exertion couldn't be easy for him.  "Okay, I will try.  And Shepard, you should know – Kaidan went to the embassies to try to protect the Councilors."

Wha–  How could he know that?  They had both been in the hospital, she supposed it wasn't outside the realm of possibility – no matter.  Later.  "Thank you for telling me.  Hopefully I'll see you soon."  She looked back at Bailey.  "Get Major Alenko on the channel, now."

He worked for a minute, frowning.  "I can't.  His comm's active, but it's being jammed locally.  I'll keep trying."

She nodded brusquely.  "Garrus, James, let's go."


Kaidan quietly slipped into the elevator, flattening against the side wall as the doors closed.  He'd thank his luck that the transports were still working, but the truth was that Cerberus needed them running in order to effectively take over the station.  The Citadel was enormous – it would take days to walk the length of it, and Cerberus undoubtedly knew it didn't have days.

The elevator slowed to a stop and opened at the Presidium Embassies.  He quickly leaned out the door and was surprised to see not a trace of Cerberus, or any signs of combat whatsoever.  Odd – he had really thought they would have gone for the Council and the Ambassadors almost immediately  He cautiously stepped out, barrier shimmering around him, then ran for the Council offices.

He rounded the corner and almost ran smack into Councilor Udina.  Councilors Sparatus and Tevos were following closely behind him.

Udina frowned almost imperceptibly before nodding.  "Ah, Major Alenko – I'm glad you are here, it seems we are in need of your protection."

He nodded, his eyes scanning the area.  "Where is Councilor Valern?"

Udina frowned deeply.  "I'm afraid he was out at a meeting; we have been unable to reach him.  We can only hope that he is safe."

He exhaled.  "Okay.  We need to get you all out of here and to a safe location.  We should – "

"Yes, I have secured a vehicle on the upper transport pad.  We can take it to somewhere safe."

Kaidan bit his tongue and swallowed a retort.  "Fine, Councilor.  But we need to be cautious.  Stay behind me."


Shepard flattened against the wall, motioning James and Garrus back.  She leaned carefully around the corner and scanned the C-Sec lockers and lounge area.  Water rained down from the sprinklers in the ceiling, soaking everything in sight.  She glanced down at the rapidly approaching pool of water, then quickly pulled up her rifle.  She took aim not at the Cerberus commandos gathered down the hall, but rather at the bottom of the shield barrier they stood behind.  

She fired a single shot, then grinned as the barrier short-circuited, sending bright sparks of electricity into the air and through the water and into the armor of the commandos.  They jerked and spasmed, but they were already dead.

She waited until the last sparks dissipated then motioned Garrus in ahead of her.  He almost immediately ran over to a body slumped against a table, a gunshot through his throat.

"Ramirez!"  He shook the man repeatedly before sinking back onto his heels.  "Dammit."  He glanced up at Shepard, water droplets dripping from his mandibles.  "I trained him when he first joined C-Sec.  He was a good guy.  A little idealistic buta good guy."

She smiled sadly, running a hand through her already-soaked hair.  "I'm sorry, Garrus.  I promise we'll make them pay."

"Yeah"  He pushed up and turned away.  "Better get to it then.  The Executor's office is just down the hall then upstairs."


Thane gasped for breath as he ran down the darkened corridor.  All the years and all the missions and all the kills, and now – when he needed them most – he had no time and no air.  

He had long since come to terms with his illness and the rapidly approaching end to his life – but at this moment he cursed it, in his mind and in his heart.  He didn't speak the curse because he couldn't spare the breath to do so.

He arrived at the next door and stopped.  He reached out to open it carefully, quietly, but it just glared red at him.  He frowned and tried to hack it, to no avail.  Cerberus was implementing some very high-grade encryption to shut this place down.

He looked around desperately for another way.  He was so close.  The hallway to his left wound back around then into a storage area, he knew – a dead end.  He stepped over and carefully opened the door to his right – and found himself in a server room.

He closed his eyes.  Think!  Servers of this size and power would require coolinghe looked up at the large air conditioning vent high on the wall.  He raggedly sucked in a deep breath then carefully climbed up the server rack.

He was going to be a duct rat.


Garrus gripped the Executor's shoulder and carefully pulled him back in the chair.  His head lolled to the side lifelessly, his chest soaked in blood.  Garrus shook his head slowly.  "This guy I never really cared forbut it still isn't right."

Shepard knelt down by a Salarian body near the door, rolling it over onto its back.  "It's not the Councilorlooks like a bodyguard."

James grumbled from across the room.  "I don'tthinkthis is the Councilor eitherShepard, a little help here?"

She glanced over as she stood.  "It's not."  She walked over to the window and looked down at the work area and kitchen below, littered with the bodies of commandos that had stood in their way, and started planning the next step.  If Councilor Valern wasn't here, he could be anywhere; without any leads it was a fool's errand to chase him blindly.  Kaidan had made the right call.  Order and security depended on the Council staying alive – it was no less true now than it had been three years ago when Sovereign had attacked.  She needed to –

A chair moved below.  Just barelybut it moved.  She drew closer to the window, tilting her head to the side.  A fold of dark blue cloth peeked out from under the table, then a Salarian slowly crawled out and stood.

She exhaled in relief.  "Found him – "

A blur fell from the rafters and rose from the floor behind the Councilor.  Years of combat situations and studying people told her one very clear thing – this was a dangerous man.  Of course, a third-grader could probably tell that from the skin-tight black outfit and the dual swords

She moved, shielding her eyes and shooting out the window, planting a hand on the frame, leaping over the glass shards and dropping to the floor below, ignoring the "Shepard!" echoing behind her.

Her voice was low and even as she sighted down on the assassin.  "Councilor, get behind me please."

"Shepard, he'll kill us all!"

"Not if you get behind me, he won't."

The assassin seemed rather confident that he had the situation in hand.  He moved slowly in a wide circle, outstretched hand rippling with biotic energy, watching them as she watched him.  Something about himsuddenly she remembered the description from Anderson's report on Paul Grayson.

She slowly moved sideways, mirroring his steps.  "Kai Leng, I presume."

He smiled predatorily.  "Commander Shepard, I presume."

Suddenly he pounced.


Thane pulled himself forward on his forearms.  He could see through the slits in the vent cover ahead, a wall and windows displaying the artificial blue sky beyond.  Only five meters to go.  He paused to breathe, then froze as glass rained down from a window in the wall and someone dropped from it.  She was only in his view for a second, but he knew that grace instantly.


He crawled forward quickly, reaching the vent cover and rapidly assessing the scene.  Shepard trained a gun on a man in black body armor.  The Salarian Councilor backed uncertainly towards Shepard.  Garrus and a soldier he didn't know appeared from the stairwell.

He quietly pushed the cover off, grasping it in his hand so it didn't fall.  He carefully slid out of the vent then dropped silently to the kitchen floor below.  He gently sat the vent cover on the floor then crept low along the cabinets then the wall behind the would-be assassin.  He fought against sucking in a deep breath; he didn't need air to do this.  

The assassin was focused intently on Shepard and the Councilor.  He softly vaulted the glass dividing wall, pulling up the pistol he had acquired along the way.

The assassin pounced, and he leapt.


"It's an outrage!  The gall of Cerberus to attack the Council – I never!"

Kaidan sighed in frustration.  "Councilor Udina, please keep your voice down.  We're trying to avoid attracting attention of the wrong sort."

Udina sniffed.  "Of course."

Tevos glanced over as they moved quickly down the hallway.  "Cerberus seems to be attacking the entire Citadel, Councilor.  In fact, as of yet they don't appear to have come after us at all."

Kaidan motioned for them to stop as they reached the next junction, waiting as flustered people scurried past.  "Let's make sure it stays that way."

Sparatus stroked his mandibles.  "You have to admit, it is odd that the Embassy District is devoid of Cerberus troops."

Kaidan leaned around the corner againone last person passed, then it was clear.  The Councilor had a very good point, one which had been twitching in the back of his mind ever since he had reached the Presidium.  But at the moment it didn't matter.  "I'm sure they have a strategy, whatever it is.  Okay, let's move.  We're almost to the transport pad elevators."



She was a hair's breath from pulling the trigger when he seemed to materialize beside Leng, gun to the man's temple.  She had forgotten how fast he could move

but Leng appeared to be quite skilled in the art of movement as well.  He froze, then abruptly crouched and spun away, throwing up a shimmering barrier as he did so.  Thane followed him, and they whirled across the floor in an elaborate dance of death.

She tried to aim at Leng, but it would be impossible to fire without risking hitting Thane.  She reached out a palm and readied a targeted throw, when Leng suddenly went flying through the air and landed hard – behind a table.  Dammit!  She motioned Valern behind Garrus and slid sideways, trying to get a shot.  She glanced quickly at Thane, caught his eye, and grinned briefly.  He blinked at her, and it spoke volumes.  

She was rounding the corner of the table when Leng sprang up, somersaulted over the table and ran for Thane.  Goddamn he was fastof course he was fast.  He would have the latest and greatest Reaper tech, courtesy of the Illusive Man himself, wouldn't he?

If Thane were at his best, even all the Reaper tech in the world wouldn't be a match for him.  What was it he had said to her once?  Killing is an art, and I am a master.  And he was – even at 80% he would defeat all but maybe a dozen fighters in the galaxy.  Was he at 80%?  She watched him as he countered Leng's every movethere was no way he could be, and yet

Thane locked Leng's arm behind his back and one sword clattered to the floor.  They spun around, pinned togetherThane's knees bent slightly then pushed upward, and Leng went skidding across the floor, slamming against the wall.  She leapt over the glass divider to get a clean shot – Thane ran forward, his gun raising, intending to get a shot off before Leng's barrier came up again –

– Leng vaulted himself off the floor, his other sword swinging upward as he did so, and they met in an embrace of death –


– the sword slid back out.  Dark, thick blood dripped ominously from its razor-sharp edge.  Thane's blood.  She fired.  Leng smiled at her as his barrier shimmered from the impact.  Taunting her.  She would kill him.

He spun around and leapt over the divider, seeming to fly down the stairs.  She slid down next to Thane, pulling out the Medi-gel and reaching for his stomach.  He grabbed her wrist and stared into her wide, unblinking eyes.

"Go after him."

She shook her head.  "No."


She sucked in a breath, squeezed his hand, then sprinted, yelling over her shoulder as she took the stairs three at a time, "Garrus, take care of him!"

She blew through the door and down the hall as Leng disappeared around the corner – she skidded around it and onto a C-Sec landing pad just as he leapt into thin air – a vehicle rose from below, Leng standing astride it.  She pulled the trigger again and again, and his barrier started to crackle as it failed – then he was gone.

Whatever she was going to do next was interrupted by a number of loud footsteps on the stairs.  She turned to see Thane struggling down the steps, Garrus following behind and begging him to stop, James following Garrus with a look that said he wasn't even trying to understand things anymore, and three C-Sec officers bringing up the rear.

She ran back to Thane, catching him in her arms as he sagged against the wall and easing him down to the floor.  She looked past James to the C-Sec officers.  "Get medical help here – now."  One nodded and started talking rapidly on his comm.  She turned back and leaned her face down close to his.  "Hang on, help is on the way."

He looked up at her, smiling weakly.  "I will be okay, for a time.  Shepard, you aren't done yet.  You know he will try for the other Councilors."

She nodded tightly.  "Don't. Die."  She stood up, motioning quickly to Garrus and James, and ran for the nearest C-Sec vehicle.

Valern came hurrying down the stairs.  "Commander, wait!  I have to tell you about Udina!"


The doors to the transport pad elevator closed and Kaidan breathed a small sigh of relief as it accelerated upward.  The odds of making it to the elevators without meeting Cerberus commandos had been slim at best, but somehow they had managed it He frowned.  How had they managed it?  Councilor Sparatus was right – it was damn odd that there had been no attack on the Embassy District.

He looked over at Udina, standing in the corner of the elevator.  "Councilor, how did you know to arrange a transport before I arrived?"

Udina glanced quickly at him then back at the control panel.  "OhI received a comm from C-Sec alerting me to the attack."

His eyes narrowed slightly.  "Huh.  I didn't receive any message from C-Sec, and when I tried to comm them, their channel was blocked."

Udina huffed.  "Well, perhaps the Executor thought alerting the Council was a higher priority than alerting you, Major."

He ignored the petty insult and studied Udina more closely.  The man was fidgeting, hands pulling repeatedly at his tunic; his foot was tapping rapidly on the floor.  He was practically vibrating – had been ever since they had left the Council offices.  Kaidan had chalked it up to nerves in the face of a Cerberus assault, but  

His voice dropped a note in tenor but remained scrupulously even.  "The Executor wouldn't be the one to make such notifications – it would be Commander Bailey or the Shift Commander on duty."

Udina's eyes flew over to him, widening for the briefest second before he looked down at the floor.  "Obviously this time was different.  I really don't see – "

The elevator shuddered to a stop and the doors opened onto the landing pad.  The vehicle at the edge of the platform was a blackened, smoldering wreck.  Kaidan's heavy pistol was immediately out as he scanned for attackers, but the platform appeared deserted.

Udina stepped out of the elevator, gasped in horror, then ran over to the console in front of the smoldering vehicle and began typing furiously.  "Dammit!  How could this happen, they were supposed to know!"

Every nerve in Kaidan's body flared as the pieces fell into place.  He hadn't yet holstered his pistol and didn't do so now.  "Who was supposed to know, Councilor?"

Udina ignored him, instead activating then yelling into his comm.  "I need another transport, same location as before.  Now!"

Kaidan's voice growled across the platform.  "Councilor!  I asked you a question.  Who was supposed to know?"

Udina returned to typing on the console.  "I don't answer to you, Major.  All you need to know is that – "

"All I need is for you to step away from the console, Councilor.  We're leaving."

"Like hell we are, we just need to wait for a new transport to arrive."

Councilor Tevos had drifted closer to Udina, and she reached over and lightly placed a hand on his arm.  "Perhaps we should do as the Major asks – "

Udina roughly shoved Tevos off of him and to the floor.  "Get off me, Asari bitch!"

Hell of a first day as a Spectre.  His heavy pistol was instantly pointed at Udina's head.  "Step away from the Councilor now."

Udina's eyes widened.  "You can't point a gun at me!"

"I'm placing you under arrest on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder and – "

– the elevator doors opened, and his right hand immediately dropped off the pistol and swung outward, glowing brightly –


– Shepard swung out the elevator doors, gun raised, finger on the trigger –

"Kaidan!"  She lowered the gun, exhaling in relief.  

The corner of his mouth turned up, but he never took his eyes off Udina.  His right hand returned to the pistol grip.  "Shepard…nice of you to drop in."

She motioned for Garrus and James to lower their weapons.  "Kaidan's got this."

Vega grunted.  "But Commander – "

Her voice was low.  "I said Kaidan's got this."

"Commander Shepard!"  Udina yelled at her from across the platform.  He had backed up almost into the wreckage.  "I demand that you have Major Alenko lower his weapon immediately!"

She had already taken in the entire scene of course, and while she had no idea how Kaidan had known, she was just pleased as punch that he did.  She smirked gleefully at Udina.  "I'm terribly sorry, Councilor, but that's not going to happen.  You see, he outranks me."  Her palms turned upwards in an expression of helplessness.  "There's nothing I can do"

Udina was looking madly around, as if there were an escape to be found.  "You're a Spectre, do something!"

"So is he."  

She strolled casually up to Kaidan, stopping beside him, their shoulders nearly touching.  God but he smelled amazing, traces of ozone mixing with sweat and aftershave.  "Hi."

His jaw was clenched tightly, eyes focused down the barrel of the pistol.  He wanted nothing more than to turn to her, drink her in, then…  "Hi.  I have reason to believe our illustrious Councilor is working for Cerberus."

Udina continued yelling ineffectual profanities, but didn't move in the face of the gun pointed between his eyes.

She smiled and turned her head, half of one eye staying on Udina but the rest drinking in Kaidan's profile.  "Damn good instincts, Major.  It so happens I found that out myself just a few minutes ago."

His jaw twitched.  She was so close, her breath fell across his cheek like a warm summer breeze, her musical voice thrumming against his eardrum.  "So I'm right."

"Yup.  Valern discovered it and Udina tried to have him killed.  He's fine, though the Executor wasn't so lucky."

He exhaled softly.  "Okay then."

Her head tilted idly to the side, an eyebrow raised.  "Want any help?"

He let slip a slight grin.  "Nah, I'm good."

She chuckled lightly.  "Carry on."  

She backed away and leaned against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest and swinging one foot casually over the other, giving Udina an icy glare before letting her eyes settle on the much better view right in front of her

Kaidan took a step forward, then another.  "I repeat, I am placing you under arrest for – "

A vehicle careened out of control and crashed into the adjacent platform.  Tevos and Sparatus turned towards it in surprise; James and Garrus ran to the edge, guns drawn; Kaidan and Shepard spared a quick glance, and Udina took advantage of the distraction to frantically reach into the wreckage behind him, his outstretched arm coming back up wielding a gun.

It was a surprise to everyone on the platform but Shepard when Kaidan's left hand suddenly rose off his pistol and pushed forward, throwing Udina off the ledge and to the Presidium Commons floor hundreds of meters below.

Hell of a first day as a Spectre.

He moved immediately to Tevos, who was shakily smoothing out her dress with her hands.  "Are you alright, Councilor?"

"Yes, I'm fineMajor, what is going on?"

He looked behind him and found Shepard still leaning against the wall, failing at suppressing a grin.  He was finally able to take in the sight of her.  Her hair was damp, stray tendrils sticking to her cheek and along her jaw; her pitch-black armor was covered in blood, a single bloody streak running down her neck; her eyes met his and sparkled like stars.  She was amazing.

He failed at suppressing  a smile in return.  "Shepard, perhaps you'd like to fill the Councilors in on the details."

She nodded and pushed off the wall.  She had been waiting, quietly and out of the way – but upon being invited to join the party, she suddenly seemed to take over the space, shining with confidence and easy authority as all eyes fell on her.

"Two days ago Councilor Valern and the Executor opened an internal investigation into suspicious financial transfers by Councilor Udina.  What they found was evidence that Udina was on the take from Cerberus and was helping pave the way for the attack from the inside."

She paused a moment to let it sink in.  "Udina discovered that Councilor Valern and the Executor were on to him, and Cerberus sent a highly-trained assassin after them – he killed the Executor and nearly got the Councilor.  Fortunately we were able to prevent that; he is now safely under the protection of C-Sec.  Councilors, Udina was planning to deliver all of you to Cerberus – whether for assassination or capture, I do not know.  This vehicle, or the next, would have taken you to them, after which Udina would have seized control of the Council structure and the Citadel – on behalf of Cerberus, I'm sure."

Tevos dipped her head graciously.  "Then we owe both of you our lives."  

Sparatus nodded, hands clasping behind his back.  "Indeed.  The first two Human Spectres do humanity proud."

She smiled at them, forcing it not to become a celebratory grin.  "Thank you, but I didn't – "

A shrill, grating noise erupted from the elevator; she and Kaidan both turned instantly, guns raising, running towards the elevator with Garrus and James right behind.  

The doors opened to reveal Bailey, accompanied by several of his lieutenants.  She exhaled, dropping the gun down as the tension evaporated.  "Baileyyou shouldn't be traipsing around like this you know, you should be in the hospital."

"Oh hell, Shepard, they came after my station, I'll fight till I die."  He suddenly cleared his throat and stood up as straight as he could while bearing the wound in his stomach.  "Councilors.  I'm glad to see you're safe.  I'm happy to report that C-Sec communications have been restored and my men are systematically clearing Cerberus from the Citadel.  It will take some time to reestablish complete order, but we hold the Presidium and are expanding out from there."

Kaidan turned to the Councilors.  "It seems the situation is once again in hand.  I'll escort you back to your offices and make sure they are secure."

Tevos smiled.  "Thank you, Major.  Your continued protection is most appreciated."

Shepard turned to Bailey.  "I need to go after Kai Leng – can you track him?"

Kaidan's head swung sharply over to her at the mention of the name.  Bailey frowned in puzzlement.  "Kai Leng?"

"Psychotic assassin with a black skinsuit and a ninja complex?"

Bailey nodded.  "Oh, him.  Maybe, if we hurry."

She looked over at Kaidan and caught his eyes, smiling apologetically; he nodded the slightest bit, just for her, and silently mouthed a single word.  "Go."


"What do you mean, he's gone?"

Bailey threw his hands in the air then winced in pain.  "Bastard released a virus into the system, it deletes any images recorded of him before we can grab them and replaces them with stock images."

Shepard sighed and dropped back against the wall.  "That's clever."

"Yeah"  Bailey rubbed his temples wearily.

She watched him for a minute.  "Do you need any help getting Cerberus out of here?"

He leaned the chair back, rocking it slowly.  "Nah, now that we've got our structure back operational, my men have it under control.  Most of them started running once they figured out they weren't going to win."

She nodded and pushed off the wall.  "Let me know if by some chance you get a lead on him.  I'll be at the hospital."


Shepard closed her eyes and exhaled slowly.  So he was going to die.  Never victory without sacrifice.  She already felt the loss in her heart, in her soulbut he wasn't gone yet.  And he just might need her to be strong for him.

She looked back up at the doctor.  "Thank you for telling me.  I'm sure you've done everything you could for him.  I think I'll go in and see him now."  She turned, took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and walked into the hospital room.

Kolyat was at his bedside, his hands clasped together, his lips quietly intoning a prayer.  On her entrance he looked up, standing up straight and nodding at her.  "Commander Shepard.  He'll be glad you've come."

She smiled slightly.  "Kolyat, it's good to see you.  The months have treated you well."

He blinked repeatedly in embarrassment.  "My father – and you – made sure that I was treated kindly.  Commander Bailey has helped me dowell, anyway"  He stepped back against the glass as Thane's head turned towards her, his arm reaching out weakly.


She swallowed, eyes widening briefly as she stepped forward, taking his hand in hers.  "I'm here, Thane."

"The Councilare they"

She smiled tenderly at him.  "They're safe.  Word is that Valern's calling you a hero to anyone who will listen – I'm afraid your carefully constructed anonymity may be at an end."

He chuckled briefly before it turned into a coughing fit.  She winced and looked away, struggling to bring her expression back under control.  Kolyat moved closer and gently wiped the spittle from his mouth as he settled back against the pillow in exhaustion.

She looked over at Kolyat and nodded the tiniest bit in appreciation as he stepped back, then she turned to Thane.  "Everyone's safe in fact.  C-Sec is kicking Cerberus out of here as fast they can.  And it's all thanks to you – if you hadn't alerted me, told me where to go, then stopped that assassin, things might have gone very differently."

He smiled weakly and took a slow breath.  "Then I was able to atone for a few more of my wrongs on my way out.  Perhaps Arashu, Kalahira, and the other Gods will welcome me into their arms after all"

She shook her head softly.  "They'll give you a seat at the table if they know what's good for them."

He squeezed her hand tightly.  "Shepard, know that meeting you was the best thing to happen to me in many years.  I am glad I was able to help you in your mission in some small way, but you helped me in the greatest ways.  I owe you my life, my son, my soul.  I – "  He started coughing but this time somehow willed it away.

She brought her other hand up, completely enclosing his in hers.  "Hush, don't go on like that.  You helped me so very much.  You are one of the most skilled fighters I have ever seen, but far more than that, you were a friend to me when I needed one most.  And here on the Citadelyou saved me.  So don't go on about what I've done for youyou've done everything for me."

He exhaled slowly, nodding almost imperceptibly.  His voice was barely a whisper.  "I am glad."  He turned his head to Kolyat. "I have a final prayerKolyatwe talked about"

Kolyat turned from the window, eyes glistening as he nodded.  "I remember."  He pulled a book out of his jacket and crossed over to her side as he opened it.  Thane reached over weakly with his other arm, grasping Kolyat's hand in his.

It took everything she had not to fall upon him in tears – but she owed him more than that.  She was his warrior-angel, and she had to be that for him until the end.  She looked over at Kolyat; he pointed to the relevant verses on the page, and they read together.

Kalahira, this one's heart is pure, but beset by wickedness and contention.  Guide this one to where the traveler never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve.  Guide this one, Kalahira, and she will be a companion to you as she was to me.

She felt his hand go limp at the same instant Kolyat did.  Their voices hitched, paused, then continued quietly until the end.  

Kolyat turned away to face the wall as his hand rose to his mouth and he choked back a silent sob.

She gently laid Thane's arm across his chest, then leaned down and softly kissed his forehead.  "Thank you, Thane, for all that you were."  

She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, then released his hand and stood up.  She placed a hand on Kolyat's shoulder and he turned shakily to her.

"Your father was one of the bravest, most honorable men I have ever known in my life.  You can be proud to be his son.  You meant more to him than anything in the world, Kolyat, never forget that."  She briefly touched her Omni-tool.  "Here's my private contact information – if you ever need anything, anytime, let me know."

He nodded tightly.  "Of course, Commander.  You meant a great deal to himperhaps more than you know."

She squeezed his shoulder, then looked over at Thane for a long moment, breathing in deeply before turning back.  "I need to go, if you're okay – "

He straightened his shoulders.  "Yes.  I have expected this for some time, if perhaps in lessabrupta manner.  Arrangements are in place."  His chin raised a notch.  "I will be fine, Commander.  I know you bear great burdens and responsibilitiesthank you for being here at the end."

She smiled sadly, and her voice threatened to crack.  "It was no trouble, really."  She turned to go, nodding to him.  "Be well, Kolyat."  Then she walked out the door, down the hall, past the nurses and doctors, past the receptionist, out the hospital entrance, and finally to the garden where they had shared the briefest of moments.

She sat at the table where they had sat.  She exhaled slowly and fell back into the chair, gazing around at the oversized flowers and the greenery and the marble waterfall.  If she had come to this place in another time, she might have laughed in delight, sauntered joyfully amongst the flowers, caressed them admiringly, giggled and grinned at the beauty surrounding her.  

But Thane had appreciated beauty – as he appreciated all such things – quietly and stoically, with grace and dignity.  So she gazed around quietly and stoically, with dignity and hopefully with grace, for him.  Her eyes settled on the water cascading down the marbleand finally she smiled.

She stood and started to leave, then paused and looked back over her shoulder at the garden.  "Goodbye, Thane Krios.  May you at last have the peace that you could never find in this life."
The story of Commander Graceyn Shepard - life, death, rebirth, and life once again - in her own voice.

Companion art piece #1, "Master of the Kill": [link]
Companion art piece #2, "Spectres": [link]
Companion art piece #3, "Home Across the Sea": [link]

First - Ch. 1 "Beginnings" -> [link]
Previous - Ch. 56 "Sacrifice" -> [link]
Ch. 57 "Dances of Death" -> Viewing
Next - Ch. 58 "Home" -> [link]
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Nanahuatli's avatar
Shepard, asshole. Asshole, Shepard. Now you've been introduced. Ahhh... I was looking forward to this meeting, and those that will come, because I want to see Graceyn's reactions. She's going to be SO pissed, and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it. I think Kai Leng is a terrible character in the game (a space ninja. Seriously. A space ninja), but at the same time it's interesting to meet someone who doesn't have a gray morality. He's squarely in the "evil" zone, and fully deserving of hate. I haven't read his backstory, though, so that might change it. I hope not, I like a break from thinking about people's motives and just being able to go "I'll kill you and then I'll bake a cake to celebrate".
"Never victory without sacrifice", is that a nod to the game writers' words on the theme or is it coincidence?
Nothing enhances a woman's beauty as blood running down her neck.
Interesting development on the reunion scene between Kaidan and Shepard, though I'll have to see where things go from here to fully form an opinion on this new Kaids.
I got the impression that there was a lot of fawning over Shepard in this chapter, maybe concentrated in some points.
Thane's death is one of my favorite emocional scenes in the whole series. Maybe the top one (Sorry, Gar's). And by "favorite" I mean "I cry my eyes out every time". I still feel closure, though, unlike in the next scripted death. Dammit, Legion, you had so much yet to live.